Tuesday, 1 November 2011


A newborn ray of hope broke in the horizon and made the seemingly everlasting darkness disappear. At first it wanted to blend in with the grey of the sky but then it changed its mind and spread its own color. Soon the sky started to fill with a blushing peach pink and then turned into oranges and yellows and the monotonous grey canvas showed vibrancy and turned into a great vista. It was all very “Beautiful”

 “Beautiful” – there’s something about this word that is haunting in nature, haunting because in our times the word has taken a new meaning. Haunting as we become the walking judges of what “meets” the standard mark of beauty and what not and as this age of idiocracy proceeds we get haunted by this “Beautiful” word more and more. What is “Beautiful?” Who is “Beautiful?” Is a woman walking down the street wearing a mini skirt is “Beautiful” or the girl who’s afraid to wear them because she is a little over-weight? How do we set parameters between the two? More importantly, WHY do we need to create a line between the two? Where does true beauty lie? Did you care about beauty when you made these - 

For years, human beings have been obsessed with Aliens, but I think what we are not realizing is that we ourselves are becoming Aliens to Humanity. Human beings are not being human anymore. Obsessed and knighted by the “ignorance” of this age, we are quick to jump to conclusions basing them on how someone looks, if someone is “Beautiful” or not. And who and what sets the parameters? Everything we are exposed to. Turn on your T.V. and watch the commercials for a while. The subliminal messages are pretty clear – if a woman shows her legs or some skin she is “Beautiful”, a baby is cute only if he or she is healthy and has a cute smile, men who work out regularly and keep a handful of steroids in their back pocket are “Beautiful” and well so on..

I remember in my teenage years I used to run after any good-looking girl who used to pass by me, it’s later now I realize how stupid I really was. Being slim or dressing attractive are not the only things in life, look at Aamir khan’s wife, she looks like a complete nerd but do you think Aamir khan cares about that? What do you think of Pierce Brosnan? Look how curvy his wife is, do you think she is as attractive as he is? When people grow up, they realize how important to be able to have a mature conversation with someone is. They realize how dumb it is to go after “good looking” people. I think to be able to have a comfortable conversation with somebody is “Beautiful”, to be able to talk to someone without thinking is “Beautiful” and to be able to share complete silence with someone is “Beautiful”. When a fellow human helps another without expecting anything in return, that is “Beautiful”. When the world unites for a good cause or for when a calamity strikes, that is “Beautiful”. If you believe in god and think that, your god believes in you and accepts you as you are, that is “Beautiful”. Don’t measure your beauty with the bars this age of dumbness has set for the society. You are “Beautiful”, we all are in our own specific ways it just takes someone a good look inside your soul to realize it. 

When a woman gives birth to a child after being barren for years “Beautiful”
When that child holds her finger for the first time “Beautiful”
When after a hard day at work a stranger smiles at you on your way home “Beautiful”
When an unspoken wish becomes true “Beautiful”
When a loved one hugs you close, it’s so warm so “Beautiful”
When your mama smiles with all those wrinkles and lines on her face the more she smiles the more she looks “Beautiful”
No matter if jack died but the time they spent before titanic sank “Beautiful”
A blind person getting eyesight back because someone donated their eyes “Beautiful”

There is beauty in everything and everywhere. It depends on you whether you look down at yourself and keep a low self-esteem or raise your head up and look at that rebellious ray of hope that broke in the horizon. But no matter what you do and no matter which state you are in always remember my dear friend - 

You are “Beautiful” the way you are! Know your value know yourself!

You don’t have to change yourself for someone else. Thin waistlines, rock hard chest, breast implants, nose jobs, and other blah blah! Leave them to those celebrities. Let them live a world of lies and leave it to them to create the same for others. Inspire yourself to become a “Beautiful” human being.  

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