Tuesday 30 August 2011


“There are only two rules for being successful. One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it.”
                                                           -  Mario Cuomo

Sounds simple doesn’t it? However, more often than not it isn’t! The father of a friend of mine worked in the retail industry for 20 years. In these 20 years, he held some of the most influential positions in the company. Then one day he suddenly quit to become a devoted “painter”. Turns out while the corporate mogul inside him had been winning because of his consistency, the painter inside him had been struggling to survive! 

Success has a different definition for different individuals. And for our different versions of success we have our own special keys. For some success can be handling a big client and getting that big raise. For a chronic procrastinator it can be as simple as opening up a mail, for someone suffering from Alzheimer's it can be something as simple as remembering their birthday. And for an autistic, it can be going over to the next person and introducing their self.

Golden words – Find your niche, be consistent in it and never measure your success with someone else’s.
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