Monday, 19 September 2011

The Space Explorer

                      thousand splendid suns and stars to be explored within yourself...?”

July 20, 1969, what’s so special about this date? Why is it such a breakthrough in human history? For some it probably was just another day, they went through with their daily chores and woke up the next day without the slightest bit of wonder or achievement in their heart. However, for most, it was a giant step towards conquering the unknown. It was the day when Apollo 11 landed on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Edwin “buzz” Aldrin. A personal dream of mine, I have always wondered, how they must have felt when they first stepped on the moon taking those bumpy jumps? Perhaps like a child, learning to moonwalk! Of course, that was the first time a human being pondered to step on something which had captured our imagination for hundreds of years. A small dare, a small desire, a small effort gave us an achievement so miraculous that it could have its own category of wonders!  

I look at space as a grand pantomime horse, which never fails to kick us with something new. Just when we’ve found a new planet. It gives us a new star. It keeps giving us something new to explore. It gives hope to so many around the world it’s only for them it shoots out shooting stars every now and then. Apart from teaching us about constellations, stars, cosmic cycles, space also teaches us that exploration is never ending. Should we take this lesson from space? Of course, we should. Think about the numerous galaxies, suns, stars, and planets that we are yet to discover. Planets bursting with new life. Imagine the beautiful panoramas…

Now, stop! Come back to our own galaxy. Actually, come back to our own planet. More importantly, come back to yourself. Do you think you are any less than the galaxy? Don’t you think that just like this universe which is waiting to be explored; there are hidden qualities, thousand splendid suns and stars to be explored within yourself? There is no gravity in space. You know why? because to truly explore yourself, you have to forget about the gravity of judgment and feel free. The only question is, do you have the courage or the keys to kick start your space ship? 

       Keep exploring my friends.        
                                                           May the force be with you! 


Friday, 16 September 2011

Story Of A Young Player

Motivation sometimes can come from anywhere. Sometimes it is a deep voice from inside and sometimes it can depend on a single external factor. Here’s short story about a boy and his “goal”.

There was a young boy who used to come for regular practice but always played in the
reserves and never made it to the soccer eleven. While he was practicing, his father used
to sit at the far end, waiting for him.

Monday, 12 September 2011


“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
          -          Oscar wilde

Moonlight or Sunlight doesn’t matter, as an avid dreamer, I never see the time of the day. Sometimes the only time I feel alive is away from this dimension I know as reality. Lost between time and space, floating like a leaf in the sea of possibilities, in a world where everything is promising. Away from these oceans of “rights and wrongs”, into the river of smoke I find myself gushing towards a promising land. Breaking myself on its shore again and again till I find myself walking on it. Without the slightest yearn for looking back at the footprints, I ‘am leaving behind. 

In my experience with life till now, i've learned that the most difficult thing is to follow your own dreams. Beacuse the reality is that even to build "sand castles", one has to be able to afford to go to the "beach". Many people often ask me what is a dream? I tell them that it depends from person to person. Everyone has dreams. Even dogs have dreams. And the dream of every puppet is to be a human.

Many people often ask me this too, what does it take to make a dream come true?
And I always tell them the same thing, Everything you have!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Breaking a kit-kat

                 "Think of a calm ocean, the clear blue sky, or a mountain"
I ‘am not the kind of person who sits back and does nothing, usually I am always on to something. Blame it on my impish mind or the flow of thoughts, which might put Niagara Falls to shame or maybe not but you get the idea. Yesterday I kept exhausting myself over a little piece of paper. I had to add it in my project. It went on and on about things which were not even required in the whole project. I sat perplexed for hours and kept scratching my head. I looked around pages after pages to find where I could fit that information. However, by some divine intervention (coffee spilled on my table) I could not find the proper place for that Pandora’s Box. 

Monday, 5 September 2011

Birthday Celebrations!

                                          “After all it’s your day wouldn’t YOU seize it?”
Like many of us, I don’t remember my first birthday, how would I? I was just a tiny person away from the hum drums of life, my daily to do list consisted of drinking milk, trying to walk before I crawl, screaming on top of my lungs, and of course dropping little droplets here and there. I do remember my 5th birthday though (videos), there was a big party, all of my tiny friends and relatives gathered around and we all took part in a 10-second ritual. Bring the cake, blow the candles, hear people clap and sing in monotonous tones and then some seconds later, make your way to the bathroom and get that cake off your eyes. The last one I learned would become an integral part of the ritual when you start celebrating with friends. But I also found a sneaky little way out of that situation, this –